With more than thirty years’ experience in the textile trade, Empress Quilts and Textiles are proud supporters of the Faction and Textile Children’s Trust. At Empress Quilts, we hold the FTCT’s values dearly and accordingly invest in its vision. Our longstanding partnership with the Trust has grown in parallel with our business operations and we aim to grow it further. To those outside the industry, the Fashion and Textile Children’s Trust may not sound familiar or be completely unknown to them. In this post, we take a closer look at the Trust and the great work it carries out for so many.
The Fashion and Textile Children’s Trust is a small UK charity which provides financial support to families belonging to the British fashion and textile industries. Founded in 1853, during the boom of the cotton weaving industry, FTCT has supported families for almost two centuries. After receiving considerable attention, patronage and support, the FTCT founded a small school near Purley.
A second school, named the Royal Russell School was opened following the First World War. Inaugurated by the Prince of Wales, who went on to become Edward VII, the Trust has received considerable attention since its nascency. Prolific author and cultural icon Charles Dickens served as the Trust’s Chairman of Appeal in 1856.
Today, the FTCT supports families through the provision of grants. Grants cover many aspects of life and are designed to support fashion and textile families who are struggling. With qualifying criteria limited to a parent either currently working or having recently worked in UK fashion or textile, FTCT’s grants are widely available. Sole traders, self-employed and sub-contracted workers are also eligible. While working in fashion and textile industries is an essential criterion, these industries cover a broad range of areas. These areas include retail and wholesale, design and manufacture, supermarkets selling clothes, laundry and textile and mattress manufacture among many others.